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Cheney caught falsifying intelligence, again

This just in ...

Two heroic former CIA agents have come out of the shadows to blow the whistle on the office of the Vice President. Cheney is again falsifying intelligence to support a policy of unmitigated war on a civilian populace; this time, Iran.

As the two agents claim, the VP has censored national intelligence estimates by stripping them of dissenting views regarding Iran's alleged arming of the Iraqi insurgency. This fixed intelligence stinks of 2003's push to invade the sovereign nation of Iraq, yet today the stakes are so much higher.

Lies, would be the term of the common tongue. But our Constitution would have another term for such an action ...


Why is this man not on trial? It is truly amazing to me, that in my short time on this planet, our nation, once a democratic Republic, has transformed so dramatically into this mire of ineffectual litigators, silent justices, and a king by any other name.

If no action is taken to counter this treason, our Nation of Laws is surely lost.


The Weird, Turned Pro.

Created by The Gonzo Muckraker
Based in Dallas, Texas
More about the author.

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