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GOP covers up for, defends pedophile, enablers

Talk about a scandal! Rep. Foley of Florida has the entire Republican party freaking out just five weeks away from the midterm elections. Here's what has happened since Friday ...

The Bush White House is opposed to an independent investigation of Congressman Foley and his love of little boys.

Fox News' Brit Hume doesn't think it is as bad as Bill Clinton's relationship of concent with an adult, "that woman, Monica Lewinski."

Newt Gingrich thinks it is okay that the entirety of the Republican leadership in the House knew about Rep. Foley's love of little boys over five years ago, but did nothing.

White House spokesman (the former Fox News anchor) Tony Snow thinks the emails were "simply naughty." He also doesn't really think it is a big deal that others knew but still allowed this pedophile to continue his love of children.

NY Times: Possible criminal conspiracy charges for those who knew.

Who knew? So far: Reps. Hastert, Boehner, Reynolds and Shimkus. More to follow.

ABC News has pretty much ended Hastert's time as Speaker of the House. ABC News' "This Week" puts another few nails in the coffin.

A GOP House staffer warned the Congressional Page class of 2001-2002
about Rep. Foley. Still, nothing was done about it.

Foley has entered rehab for alcoholism.

The FBI piles on.

And there's so much more in the Great GOP Pedophile Coverup of 2006 Timeline! (Big props to ThinkProgress.)

The Weird, Turned Pro.

Created by The Gonzo Muckraker
Based in Dallas, Texas
More about the author.

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